Monday, October 7, 2019

Comparison between 17th & 18th centuries in France,England and America Term Paper

Comparison between 17th & 18th centuries in France,England and America - Term Paper Example The first concept that can be seen with the different pieces of architecture is the characteristics that are from each region. The first comparison which can be made is within England, specifically between the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 17th century, the style was based on the Baroque influences, which consisted of finding balance within each type of work. This was combined with the styles which were influenced by the political and cultural associations, inclusive of the Tudor monarch changing to a different political structure. The main concepts which were associated with the Baroque style began to change by the 18th century, specifically because of social and cultural associations. The political realms moved through revolutionary changes, specifically with an altered regime and order. This was combined with the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, both which altered the materials used for architecture as well as the expectations of what should be included in the archit ectural styles. Many of the pieces of architecture began to change into experimentation with new materials, influences of structures that were romantic in style and which rebelled against the balance and form of the 17th century (Glennie, p 17). The examples of these changes show in the variety of architecture which was produced in England during the 17th and 18th century. The earlier work of the Hatfield House (1607) shows the Elizabethan style as well as how this related to the metaphor of the political and cultural structure, as seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: Hatfield House (1607) The architecture is one which is representative of the Elizabethan architecture first because of the distinct form of east and west wings as well as the central arches which remain even on both sides. The towers and the association with simplistic and ornate figures are also seen. The main concept was to keep an open region while offering a spacious area that represents the power of the political structure of the time. This was representative of the English time frame and the components which were associated with the 17th century balance and structure (Archer, 29). The changes in England can be seen with the progression of architecture, such as through the Chiswick House, (1725) seen in figure 2. Figure 2: Chiswick House (1725) The same references of balance are used with this, specifically with the association of columns and structure that was used. This is not only representative of the ideologies of the new political system and the thriving of the current status. Instead, there is a movement back to the ancient Greek structures for balance, seen through the columns and the dome that is used. The concept of architecture is one which combines several influences and uses experimentation of combining structures while keeping the balance as seen in the 17th century. The representation then shows the change in style with integration of different methods, specifically which is representa tive of the characteristics of the Industrial Revolution while keeping the same concept of balance and form as the central component of the time, which is specific to Neo – Classicism (Archer, 37). The movement from balance and into a sense of Romanticism was also seen in other regions, including France and Colonial America. The French had a similar alteration into the Enlightenment and Romanticism in the 18th century, specifically because

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