Friday, October 18, 2019

Winshield Survey Summary And Relection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Winshield Survey Summary And Relection - Essay Example In this way, community partnerships arise in the form of the community members working together with the various health providers in their within for the easier facilitation of betterment of community health (Rohrer, 2010). Participating family’s community and environment (Riverside, Ca) is a superb initiative in the way it eases healthcare awareness and outreach to all community members in the region leading to a healthier community. It is an aspect I would recommend adoption of in every community. Cultural diversity and vulnerable populations within the communities mostly have a sense of alienation both by others and by themselves. Due to this health care providence and services are not as effective in reaching them as the other community members. This may lead to weaker communities thus advocating for outreach programs in their target. There are various aspects of the community that could affect resident health. These range from internal and external conflicts, adverse cultural beliefs and practices that demine conventional health care, cultural diversities leading to segregation of population groups, and population demographics such as overpopulation among others (Rohrer, 2010). This has effect in various ways such as inaccessibility to health facilities and straining on their workload capacities. There are various Healthy People 2020 LHI such as low mortality rates in the community (Rohrer, 2010). This is as a result of reduced health related deaths due to good health care standards. This will lead to a healthier and improved working population. This will enable for development to

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