Saturday, October 5, 2019

Trojan War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trojan War - Research Paper Example Primarily based on Homer’s epic poems Iliad and Odyssey, the Trojan War enjoys the status of one of the greatest incidents of ancient Greek mythology leading to chaos and bloodshed eventually. The epics also demonstrate The war also submits to narrate the ambitious nature and disposition of the ancient era people, who used to spend several decades in wars and hostilities on minor issues and trivial matters, which could easily be solved through negotiations. Started with the abduction of the Greek queen Helen, the war ended in the victory of the Greeks and destruction and ruination of Troy, where both the sides had to wash their hands of the splendid warriors and bravest men in the history of civilizations at large, tombs of whom are viewed to be the Trojan coast of cremations. Homer’s Iliad declares the rivalry among the three Greek goddesses including Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite over the Apple of Discord thrown by the goddess Eris for the fairest of the goddesses. Sinc e all the three claimed themselves to be the fairest one, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite sought the judgment from King Zeus with regards to declaring the most beautiful one among the three. Since Zeus would not hurt any of the goddesses, he bestowed the power of announcing judgment to Paris, a local shepherd. Paris was actually the son of Trojan royal couple King Priam and Queen Hecuba, who had thrown the infant Paris in the wilderness because of the prophecy that the child, on growing young, would bring ruination to Troy.... Paris, according to the sources, was actually the son of Trojan royal couple King Priam and Queen Hecuba, who had thrown the infant Paris in the wilderness because of the prophecy that the child, on growing young, would bring ruination to Troy.10 Somehow, Paris’s extraordinary intelligence, comeliness and bravery had won Zeus’s favors, who had appointed him judge in order to decide the name of the most beautiful goddess of Greece. Since Aphrodite had revealed her complete body and stood naked before Paris, she was declared to be the most beautiful goddess. Aphrodite sought no bounds of joy, and in return provided Paris with all the information about Helen of Sparta, the most beautiful lady on the face of the earth. Immediately after obtaining information regarding Helen, Paris set out to discover the outstanding beauty, and fell in love with Helen. On receiving the powerful response from Helen, they planned to move to Troy for good. Helen’s elopement infuriated M enelaus, who called all the former suitors11 of Helen12 in Sparta, and sought their support in this matter. At first, the kings looked reluctant to participate in the war; somehow, on getting reminded of the pledge they were determined to wage war on the Trojans, who not only had abducted the spouse of Spartan King, but had also refused to return her to her consort. Out of sheer feelings of rage, the Greeks invaded Troy in order to take revenge of their humiliation from the Trojans eventually. Course of War: Since the Trojans had refused to return Helen to the Greeks through negotiation, they were certain regarding the fact that the war was evident and inevitable. Prince Hector had told his father i.e. King Priam about the prophecy of his triumph

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